Course Overview
The installation of modern telecom systems requires a broad understanding of various technologies and implementation practices. This course is designed to introduce the participants to the methods and standards associated with a wide range of current installation activities. They will be introduced to quality management systems and how they are used in a practical way to both measure and improve the quality of work. The course will provide a greater understanding of both quality and implementation methodologies designed to build in quality to the work process.
Target Audience
Anyone involved in the supervision and installation of telecom equipment and anyone requiring working knowledge of basic installation activities.
Course Prerequisites
Familiarity with telecom equipment associated with switching, radio or transmission.
Expected Accomplishments
- Highlight Health & Safety requirements related to the working environment
- Implement correct installation practices and related quality standards
- Correctly use associated tooling
- Summarize the requirements of a quality management system and its implementation
Course Outline
Health & Safety
Personal Safety
Handling of Equipment
Working With Electricity
The Installation Process
Mechanical Assembly
Cabling Procedures
Termination Procedures
Quality Inspection Procedures.
Quality Control Activities