Course Outline
Social Media Overview
Current marketplace
Trends and latest developments
Basic principles behind using Social Media
Principles of Social Media
Reciprocity and Sharing of information
Conversations through Social Media - how to create a dialogue
Driving word of mouth
Cultivating relationships through Social Media
Delivering trust
Importance of honesty and integrity
Types of Social Media
Communication forums - including blogs, discussion groups, micro-blogs
Collaboration - including wikis, social bookmarking, social news
Multi-media sharing - including photos, videos, audio sharing
Reviews, comments and opinions across all sectors
Entertainment, including games, virtual worlds, game sharing
Audiences for Social Media
Demographics and statistics
Driving factors
Why Social Media Matters
Understanding how it affects brands and businesses
Understanding the network economy
Case studies - good and bad examples
Monitoring your brand's presence
Official and unofficial - what people are saying about your brand in the Social Media space
Basic analysis techniques and tools
Interpreting the results
Benchmarking practices
Ethics - the laws behind Social Media
Best practices
Creating a Social Media strategy for your brand
Informal discussion about objectives for your brand
Group exercise, including feedback