Courses Details
Course Schedule
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, and staff responsible for the development of new ideas and systems, and those involved in problem solving, and making and implementing key decisions. 

This is an essential course for those who believe that change, and new improved ways of working, are the best way forward for the success of organizations.


This two-day workshop is challenging from the outset. It is a blend of ‘Trainer-led’ and ‘experiential learning’. It identifies the key concepts of creative thinking and problem solving. 

It gives the delegates a range of versatile and effective techniques, backed up by excellent course notes and case studies, which form a valuable reference source for the future. This course is ideal for those seeking new answers to old problems, and those in search of first-time solutions to new problems!

Throughout this course, delegates will acquire an understanding of different types of problems and how to differentiate between them. They will form a clear and systematic approach to problem solving and decision-making.

They will also experiment with a range of proven models to identify the causes and diagnose the key aspects of a problem. 

The program provides an opportunity to examine different ways of approaching a problem and choosing the most appropriate solution. It also provides an opportunity to practice logical problem-solving techniques during the training.

Course Objectives
The program focuses on the following objectives:

1. Identify different problem-solving techniques.
2. Analyze a problem, so that appropriate problem-solving techniques can be applied.
3. Recognize the importance of dealing with the cause of a problem, rather than just dealing with the effect of a problem.
4. Learn how to generate alternative solutions, using creative thinking and brainstorming.
5. Learn the different stages of the decision-making process and understand the importance of each stage in ensuring effective decisions are made.
6. Apply problem solving and decision-making models to own workplace.

Course Outline
Day 1:

 - The power of positive thinking
 - Winner and loser behavior
 - Owning’ the problem
 - Understanding the problem
 - Categorizing the problem
      • Convergent and divergent problems
 - Problem solving techniques
 - Benefits of using systematic problem-solving techniques
 - Defining the problem
 - Measuring the problem
 - Analyzing the problem
      • Examining the root causes of the problem
      • The Ishikawa (Fishbone) diagram
 - Review of problem-solving techniques
 - Case studies

Day 2:

 - Creative thinking and decision-making
 - Brainstorming techniques
 - Analytical and creative thinking
 - Lateral thinking
 - ‘Idea Spurring’ questions
 - Five principles of creative thinking
 - Making winning decisions
 - Three types of decisions
 - Eight ingredients for good decision-making
 - Decision-making traps
 - Problem solving and decision-making exercise
 - Putting it into practice in the workplace