Course Overview
Where Performance Management is a systematic process for improving organizational performance by developing the performance of the individuals and teams, and aligns their objectives with the corporate goals, Performance Dialogue emerges as a key component of the Performance Management process.
Course Outline
Workshop Outlines
- New performance management cycle
- Overview of components of performance management and focus of today
- The new performance management process includes a Initial Meeting, a section level Group Review meeting, and a Final Meeting
- Key changes to the performance management process
- Manager / Employee:
- Set context
- Feedback
- Feed forward
- Wrap-up
- Dialogue critical success factors
- Key success factors need to be in place to ensure best-in-class performance dialogues
- Use constructive language to gain acceptance and focus attention on actions required to improve
- Send messages consistent with tone and body language
- Listen effectively to build rapport and make the conversation relevant and meaningful
- Recognize and respond to nonverbal cues and emotional reactions
- When feeding back distinguish observation and outcome
- Exercise on how to apply the feedback model
- Ask questions to understand employee
- Explore mindsets and beliefs to understand the root causes of behaviors
- Exercise to explore mindsets and beliefs to understand the root causes of behaviors
- Skills Training
- Effective communication - what to say and how to say it “Building rapport” - to relax the staff member
- Understanding their individual staff - how to adapt your style
- The importance of preparation - the sessions are very important and you need to have prepared each session well in advance
- The importance of allocating time with no interruptions - how to set the scene to ensure effective sessions
- The ability to give effective one to one feedback - in a positive way
- The importance of managing potential conflict
- Role plays
We will undertake roll plays on performance dialogues utilizing all the above required skills, in addition to utilizing the roll plays that's McKinseys have developed, supported by relevant and appropriate videos.
- Debrief and next steps
As next steps, there will be the Initial Meetings with your direct reports, followed by the Group Review and the Final Meetings
- Performance management steps
- Feedback gathering steps